If we care about our general wellbeing and make purchase decisions based on labels like Gluten-Free, GMO-Free, Fat-Free, Sugar-Free; should we then do the same for product that impact our digital wellbeing?

@bagby.co What is EMF ( Electric and Magnetic Fields) and why is bad for your sleep?This is how you can block EMF radiation from your phone or airpods and a list of EMF safe products including alarm clocks. #emfprotection #emfeffects #emfradiation #emfradiationprotection #emfdangers #EMF #emfsensitivity #emfsafe #airpodsissues ♬ Morning Dew - ratio 11

EMF is scary because it's invisible. We're surrounded by a tsunami of invisible EMF waves of energy 24/7. To live a strong life and realize your fullest human potential, it's important to understand both the benefits and the risks of using technology and electricity.

Juan Sanchez, Co-Founder of Bagby


Average population with EHS (Electromagnetic hypersensitivity). However, it's an increasing global trend that is predicted to grow globally in the next few years.

"Digital Wellbeing Is Part Of Your Wellbeing"

Say NO to...

Disruption of sleep cycles and insomnia

Headaches and inability to focus


Disruption of sleep cycles and insomnia

Headaches and inability to focus


Check Other HarmFul Digital Ingredients