Digital wellbeing pills

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Why You Should Buy An Alarm Clock [Experiment]

Why You Should Buy An Alarm Clock [Experiment]

"Buy an alarm clock. It will change your life". This is something a lot of people (including top influencers such as Simon Sinek or Catherine Price) have been saying for the last few years. The ...

2022 goalsBagby's 2022 goals and resolutions

Bagby's 2022 goals and resolutions

2021 has been a challenging year for everyone but YOU made it a great one.2022 is a year we look forward to so we wanted to share some of the key areas and brand goals we will be focusing on. Pleas...

Core beliefsThe Unhealthy Obsession Of Tracking - Bagby Core Beliefs

The Unhealthy Obsession Of Tracking - Bagby Core Beliefs

The launch of FIBIT (2007) created an unhealthy culture of tracking that has been copied and enhanced by every other app, especially Instagram.  Although we believe in the importance of tracking, a...

digital detoxThe Dumbphone Show: Human Time with Bagby CEO, Juan Sanchez

The Dumbphone Show: Human Time with Bagby CEO, Juan Sanchez

It's time to rediscover human time!Our CEO, Juan Sanchez was invited to Podcast "The DumbPhone Show" to talk about digital minimalism, his experiences and the challenges behind the creation of Bag...

analog alarm clock6 Digital Wellbeing Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

6 Digital Wellbeing Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

If there is an adjective that can define this 2020, it’s "Challenging." I believe the world is ready to move on from 2020, but it's important that we do it with optimism. And while new routines cam...

cell phone addiction in schoolsWhy we need digital wellness in schools

Why we need digital wellness in schools

Smartphone addiction in schools is becoming a hot topic in the industry. Both parents and educators must take lead and learn how to manage screen time and raise awareness of the negative impact of...