Guest blog post by Olivia from Bebcare – Low EMF Emissions Baby Monitor. SAVE 15% on your Bebcare low EMF baby monitor purchase using this link!
About Bebcare Baby
Bebcare sets out to create a low-emissions nursery for your loved ones. We were founded with the mission to create a suite of low emissions products that assist parents with their everyday baby monitoring needs.
Our mission is to create baby monitors with no compromise - best-in-class performance, features, durability, and, most important of all, safety standards.
What’s The Matter With EMF?
Parents are deeply concerned about the safety of their babies. Why wouldn’t you? Your baby is your bundle of joy and the most precious.
With the abundance of wireless devices these days, EMF radiation is a hot topic among parents. In this blog post, we will walk you through EMF and five tips to create an emissions-safe nursery for your loved ones.

What is EMF?
EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields (source). That sounds complicated! Well, it is kind of, but it’s actually elementary college physics. Electromagnetic fields are present throughout the universe and are an essential part of our everyday life.
There are many forms of EMFs. Some are good EMFs, while others are bad EMFs, just like cholesterol in your body. Visible light, WiFi signals, microwave, and cellular signals are all different forms of EMFs. Your ability to see things is electromagnetic waves interacting with the retina in your eyes and turning that into an electric pulse in your brain.
That said, there are also bad EMF waves. An example would be high-power waves coming from high-power electrical cables or even what scientists call “ionizing radiation” from powerful sources (source).
Simply put, exposure to these harmful EMFs causes significant health problems because the EMF waves ionize your cells and may cause cancer. X-ray is a common example of ionizing radiation, which is why you do not want to do X-ray scans often.
Why Is EMF Important to Your Baby’s Safety?
Parents should exercise the highest level of caution when it comes to baby safety. Depending on where you look, there are scientific studies that have linked exposure to EMF with the development of cancer, including the WHO classification of EMF as possibly carcinogenic to humans in 2011 (source).
Furthermore, scientific studies indicate a correlation between exposure to EMF and learning disabilities such as ADHD (source). Nevertheless, it is a controversial subject, with stakeholders making arguments on both sides.

5 Tips To Build A Low EMF Emissions Home
Place WiFi Routers Further Away from Your Baby
The further away the source of wireless emissions, the lower its EMF power. WiFi router is one of the most common sources of wireless emissions at home or office with health side effects (source). You should consider placing the router away from children or yourself. Power is often measured in Volts per meter (V/m) or milliWatt (mW), meaning you want to purchase a router with a lower power rating.
Put Your Phones Away from Your Nightstand
One of the most common mistakes is putting your smartphone on the nightstand beside your bed. This exposes you and your family to several hours of constant exposure to wireless radiation as you sleep. Try placing the phone at least 15 feet away or even putting it into Airplane mode.
Install EMF Shielding at Strategic Places
EMF shielding can be an effective way to create an EMF safe zone within your home. Metal panels have the ability to block out Electromagnetic waves from entering this safe zone.
Pick a Home that’s Far Away from Power Plants and Wireless Towers
Cell phones and communication towers emit the highest doses of wireless radiation. The long-term effects of constant exposure to such high doses of EMF radiation are not well understood by the scientific community. It is wise to choose a home that is far away from these sources of high-energy wireless signals.
Use a Low Wireless Emissions Baby Monitor
Your baby monitor acts as the communication bridge between your baby and you. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance that the baby monitor operates in a safe, ultra-low emissions manner. Bebcare baby monitors utilize DSR Digital Safe Radio technology, which emits less than 10% of wireless radiation compared to other products.

Bebcare’s DSR Digital Safe Radio Low EMF Emissions Technology
Bebcare baby monitors are equipped with our unique DSR Digital Safe Radio low emissions technology. This is a low EMF emissions wireless technology designed for baby use from the ground up. The technology works by reducing wireless emissions during transmission and idle mode. When your baby is not crying, the baby monitor goes into Sleep Mode automatically, effectively reducing the emissions level to close to zero.
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Guest blog post by
Olivia – Bebcare Low EMF Emissions Baby Monitor Team