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Blog Posts
- How to Get Kids Off Screens (Without a Fight)
- Don’t Throw Your Old Laptop in The Dumpster—Do This Instead
- Not Digging Meditation? Try These Tips to Embrace Mindfulness Anyway!
- The "Time Well Spent" Movement: Reclaiming Digital Well-Being and Productivity
- Ethical Crises in The Tech Industry: The Top Ten of 2023
- The Importance of Breathing Right for Your Health and How Moonbird Helps
- Top 5 Tips to Create an Emissions-Safe Nursery for Your Baby
- The Surprising Benefits of Playing Video Games
- Working from Home? Here’s How to Preserve Your Physical and Mental Health
- Social Media & Self-Esteem: The Evolutionary Importance of Likes, Views, Shares & Comments
- Technology & Climate Change: Is Digital Technology Part of The Climate Change Problem?
- Cell Phone & Breastfeeding: Is It Bad to Use Your Phone While Feeding Your Baby?
- Technology & Information Overload: How Digital Overstimulation from Your Gadgets Harms Your Well-being
- Mindfully Doodle for Your Mental Health
- Prioritizing Health for Women: Starter Guide
- 5 Ways to Reduce Blue Light’s Effects on Your Sleep
- 5 Ways to Master the Art of Letting Go: Overcome Your Tech Addiction
- 5 Ways to Train Your Brain to Focus on Any Task
- 6 Ways to Reduce Technology’s Effects on Your Mental Health
- 5 Ways to Configure Your Phone & Computer for More Productivity
- Technology & Sleep: 5 Ways Technology is Affecting Your Sleep and What to Do About It
- Technology & Mental Health: How Technology Can Deteriorate AND Save Your Mental Health
- Human-Embeddable Technology: Accelerating Human Evolution or a Health & Security Risk?
- National Day of Unplugging: What’s its Significance and When to Celebrate?
- Cell Phone & Fitness: 5 Best Free & Paid Fitness Apps of 2022
- Technology & Social Anxiety: How Modern Tech Makes You Less Socially Intelligent
- JOMO: It’s Time to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
- Reconnect with your Real-World Self by Doing Nothing
- Digital Dementia: Consequences of Outsourcing Your Brain to Smartphones
- Do Mental Health Apps Work? 6 Best Mental Health Apps of 2022
- Right to be Forgotten: How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Data?
- Technology & Distraction: Dealing with Digital Distraction in the Modern World
- You Versus the Ever-Growing Toxic Content on The Internet
- How Tech Companies Manipulate Your Emotions for Profit
- Real-Life Effects of Being Too Tech-Dependent
- Protecting Children Online: A Code of Practice for Online Services
- Gaming Addiction: What Causes Your Child to Play Video Games for Hours?
- Effects of Technology Use on Your Child’s Psychological Development: The Good & The Bad
- Cyberbullying: What It Is & How to Keep Your Kids Away from Cyberbullies
- Technology & the Human Brain: How Modern Tech is Changing Our Thoughts, Behaviors, and Actions
- Phone Calls Simulate Human Connection, Texts Don’t—Psychology Says
- Reduce Your Kids' EMF Exposure – Without Taking Away Their Apps & Games
- Tech Companies Have Successfully Hacked Our Evolution-Based Brains
- VPNs: What are Virtual Private Networks, and Why Do You Need One?
- Internet Privacy, Or Lack Thereof, Has a Huge Impact on Your Mental Health—Experts Say
- Technology May Be Lowering Your Emotional Intelligence: An In-Depth Analysis
- The Future with the Internet: What is Web 3.0 and How Does it Concern You?
- Do Social Media Algorithms Favor Content That Affects Your Well-being?
- Modern Technology is Harmful & Addictive – And Tech Giants Know It
- Screen Time Limits for Kids: How Limiting Kids’ Screen Time Helps Them Physically, Emotionally and Psychologically?
- Doomscrolling: A Soothing Compulsion That Causes You to Live in Fear
- Screen Time Limits for Adults: How Limiting Your Screen Time Helps You Physically & Mentally
- Light Pollution: An Ever-Growing Threat to Humans, Animals, & Science
- Technology & Obesity: How is technology causing obesity numbers to spike worldwide?
- Noise Pollution: An Audible Threat to Humans, Flora, and Fauna: An In-Depth Look
- Is the Metaverse Worse Than Social Media? Metaverse & Your Mental Health
- E-Waste—A growing threat to the environment: How are you contributing?
- Gamification Technology: A gift to mankind, or a huge psychological experiment?
- Using Your Cell Phone on the Dinner Table Can Be Detrimental to Your Health
- Technology and Insomnia: Is your cellphone preventing you from sleeping well?
- Is Fitbit Bad for You? Assessing the Psychological Impact of Fitness Tracking Devices
- Right to Disconnect: What is it, and how can it help enhance your productivity?
- Metaverse: The New Concept Changing Technology Forever. How Will It Impact Your Life?
- Ray-Ban Stories by Facebook: How They Work, EMF Emissions, and More
- FOMO: How to Lessen Fear of Missing Out That Deteriorates Your Wellbeing
- Technology & Stress: How Does Prolonged Tech Use Lead to Chronic Stress and Depression?
- Digital Detox: How & Why to Take a Break From Technology
- The Relationship Between Screen Addiction and Anxiety Disorders
- Can Reducing Screen Time Also Reduce Weight Gain?
- Podcast: What is Digital Wellness With a Human Soul - Bagby
- What Is Green Noise? Hidden Secrets Behind Sound Colors
- Digital Wellbeing in 2024: Trends and Predictions
- Situations where people use technology in a paradoxical way
- The Surprising Link Between Screens, Dopamine, and Serotonin
- Digital Wellbeing in 2023: Trends and Predictions
- Blue Light and How Analog Is a Great Option To Improve Your Sleep
- What is #TechSatire ?
- Health benefits of unplugging from technology
- 5 reasons why an alarm clock is good for your mental health
- Digital Minimalism: How to Create Tips and Habits to Declutter Your Devices [Infographic]
- Why You Should Buy An Alarm Clock [Experiment]
- What's "quiet quitting" and what are the reasons behind this trend?
- Bagby's Goals and Resolutions
- How To Have Mindful Screen Time During Christmas and New Year
- The Analog Nostalgia - Bagby Core Beliefs
- The Unhealthy Obsession Of Tracking - Bagby Core Beliefs
- The Dumbphone Show: Human Time with Bagby CEO, Juan Sanchez
- 5 Things You Can Do in 2021 for Earth Day
- 5 Tips To Reconnect With Your Partner During Valentine’s Day Without Your Device
- 6 Digital Wellbeing Trends To Watch Out For In 2021
- Reduce Your Family’s Screen Time and Enjoy Phone-Free Meals During these Holidays
- Why we need digital wellness in schools
- The home experiment with our child and screens that totally changed our approach to parenting with tech
- The fallacy of minimalism and why it contributes to the rise of smartphone addiction
- After effects of extensive use of smartphone
- No Nellie, Screen-Time hasn't won the battle yet.
- Why screentime has changed parenting?
- Digital Detox Heroes of the Month - Feb / March 2020
- Mindful Activities For Parents Working From Home With Children Craving Screen Time
- Digital Detox Heroes of the Month - Jan 2020
- Digital Clock Vs Analog – 6 Reasons Why You MUST Replace Your Digital Clock
- The REAL problem of tech addiction - Tristan Harris
- 12 Digital Wellbeing Trends To Watch In 2020
- 10 advertising campaigns tapping on the smartphone addiction issue
- The Anti-Tech trend is here - CID Design Group Forecast
- 10 Digital Wellbeing / Detox Christmas Ideas - Gift Guide
- 10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas)
- Podcast Digital Wellbeing Phones OFF Conversations ON
- How to manage cell phones in class
- Arianna Huffington: Your phone doesn’t have to be your alarm
- I'm a Screen Time Coach
- How to define the idea of Digital Wellness with a Human Soul
- Signs Your Health Apps Are Doing More Harm Than Good
- A simple but key tip for your smartphone detox
- 2019 Digital Wellness Collaborative report
- The Cuban Difference
- Pre-Human 2.0 video - What we have become?
- 5 mind-blowing images about phone addiction
- How much of our free time is wasted on screens. Here is the shocking number
- Meet the photographer who is taking digital wellness to schools
- LED lights disrupt our sleep, go digital-free in the bedroom
- Watch Wisdom 2.0 LIVE - FREE now
- Hang up the phone, and let’s talk.
- Smartphone addiction facts & statistics [Updated 2022]
- It’s time to change sides and embrace digital minimalism
- 10 SMART products we don't really need to pair to our phones
- We are PROUD sponsor of Wisdom 2.0
- We FOUND the REAL cause of Smartphone addiction
- 5 Great Christmas Marketing Campaigns (and more) Highlighting The Smartphone Addiction Issue
- In less than 5 years we will be counting minutes off our phones
- Smartphone Addiction: The new drug that is killing us softly…