If we care about our general wellbeing and make purchase decisions based on labels like Gluten-Free, GMO-Free, Fat-Free, Sugar-Free; should we then do the same for product that impact our digital wellbeing?
@bagby.co If Ingredients matter for our health, shouldn’t we have ingredient labels for our digital wellbeing, too? #ingredientsmatter #wellbeingtips #harmfulingredients #takecareofyourhealth #healthylabels #poll #whatsyouropinon #youropiniondoesntmatter ♬ So Much Happiness - Lux-Inspira
Big Data is a Big business and represents the end of privacy."

of consumers find connected devices concerning due to data collection practices
hacker attacks in a week on an average smart home
of all devices are forecast to be IoT by 2030
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IoT-Free Best Sellers
Bagby MAT - No-Phone Desk Pad
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Bagby FAMILY - Phone Organizer 6+1 Pockets
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Bagby CLASSIC - Silent Alarm Clock
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Bagby NIGHT - Sleep Mask
Sale priceFrom $18.00
Regular price$24.00