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Digital Wellbeing in 2023: Trends and Predictions

Digital Wellbeing in 2023: Trends and Predictions

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and with the rise of smartphones, social media, and other digital devices, the topic of digital wellbeing has become increasingly important. As we mo...

Blue Light and How Analog Is a Great Option To Improve Your Sleep

Blue Light and How Analog Is a Great Option To Improve Your Sleep

Analog products (no screens, no apps, no digital light) can help you take these steps so that you can protect your sleep and ensure that you're getting the restful, rejuvenating sleep that your bod...

Why You Should Buy An Alarm Clock [Experiment]

Why You Should Buy An Alarm Clock [Experiment]

"Buy an alarm clock. It will change your life". This is something a lot of people (including top influencers such as Simon Sinek or Catherine Price) have been saying for the last few years. The ...

6 Digital Wellbeing Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

6 Digital Wellbeing Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

If there is an adjective that can define this 2020, it’s "Challenging." I believe the world is ready to move on from 2020, but it's important that we do it with optimism. And while new routines cam...

The fallacy of minimalism and why it contributes to the rise of smartphone addiction

The fallacy of minimalism and why it contributes to the rise of smartphone addiction

Let’s be frank for a moment. Technology was supposed to connect us, but we're more disconnected than ever. Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s impor...