Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

After effects of extensive use of smartphone - Bagby

After effects of extensive use of smartphone

Is smartphone addiction a mental disorder?  Besides the already known physical effects like eye strain or neck pain and the aggressive withdrawal symptoms when smartphone or network is unreachable...

No Nellie, Screen-Time hasn't won the battle yet. - Bagby

No Nellie, Screen-Time hasn't won the battle yet.

Coronavirus is changing everything but specially our relationship with technology and how are trying to cope with the lack of human contact. Nellie Bowles's declaration in The New York Times “Coron...

Digital Detox Heroes of the Month - Feb / March 2020 - Bagby

Digital Detox Heroes of the Month - Feb / March 2020

Doing a full digital detox every Sunday has truly changed my life. We are so hooked in our phones that we don't realize how good life can be without them, even for as short as few hours.  I have b...

10 advertising campaigns tapping on the smartphone addiction issue - Bagby

10 advertising campaigns tapping on the smartphone addiction issue

Smartphone addiction is not a fad, neither a trend. It is a fact and some of the largest brands have already based their campaigns on this growing insight: People are increasingly attached and addi...

10 Digital Wellbeing / Detox Christmas Ideas - Gift Guide - Bagby

10 Digital Wellbeing / Detox Christmas Ideas - Gift Guide

The holiday season is upon us, which means most of us will be scrambling to find that perfect gift for our friends and family. While this process can be chaotic and stressful, we here at Bagby have...

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) - Bagby

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas)

Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time to gather with family and friends and remember all the great things that happens during the year.  Remember what the holidays are really about- spending...