Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

How To Have Mindful Screen Time During Christmas and New Year - Bagby

How To Have Mindful Screen Time During Christmas and New Year

With the holidays approaching, it is the perfect time to take some time away from your devices and limit your screen time this year. We know it can be daunting to practice digital wellness at times...

Reduce Your Family’s Screen Time and Enjoy Phone-Free Meals During these Holidays - Bagby

Reduce Your Family’s Screen Time and Enjoy Phone-Free Meals During these Holidays

According to a survey by the organization ParentsTogether, nearly half of the respondents’ children currently spend more than six hours per day online, whereas only 8.29% of children were before. D...

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) - Bagby

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas)

Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time to gather with family and friends and remember all the great things that happens during the year.  Remember what the holidays are really about- spending...

5 Great Christmas Marketing Campaigns (and more) Highlighting The Smartphone Addiction Issue - Bagby

5 Great Christmas Marketing Campaigns (and more) Highlighting The Smartphone Addiction Issue

As a marketer and specifically as a Insights and Analytics lead in my previous life, I can tell you that if the Smartphone Addiction issue has been picked up by the people working in the advertisem...