Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

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Blue Light and How Analog Is a Great Option To Improve Your Sleep

Blue Light and How Analog Is a Great Option To Improve Your Sleep

Analog products (no screens, no apps, no digital light) can help you take these steps so that you can protect your sleep and ensure that you're getting the restful, rejuvenating sleep that your bod...

Health benefits of unplugging from technology

Health benefits of unplugging from technology

Unplugging from technology has become increasingly important in our fast-paced, digital world. With technology at our fingertips 24/7, it can be easy to get caught up in the constant stream of noti...

reduce blue light effects

5 Ways to Reduce Blue Light’s Effects on Your Sleep

Although our fast-paced lifestyle is to blame for this massive rise in sleep deprivation among the general population, scientists think that our modern electronic gadgets also have something to do ...

Digital Minimalism: How to Create Tips and Habits to Declutter Your Devices [Infographic]

Digital Minimalism: How to Create Tips and Habits to Declutter Your Devices [Infographic]

Digital Minimalism is a specific application of the general minimalist philosophy to the role of technology in our lives. Cal Newport, author of the popular book: "Digital Minimalism" defines Digi...

Bagby's 2022 goals and resolutions

Bagby's 2022 goals and resolutions

2021 has been a challenging year for everyone but YOU made it a great one.2022 is a year we look forward to so we wanted to share some of the key areas and brand goals we will be focusing on. Pleas...

Mindful Activities For Parents Working From Home With Children Craving Screen Time

Mindful Activities For Parents Working From Home With Children Craving Screen Time

Amid the COVID-19 uncertainty, we are all going to, unfortunately, spend more time online. The situation gets more complicated for parents as schools are closed so now we have our children at home...