Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

Reduce Your Kids' EMF Exposure – Without Taking Away Their Apps & Games

Reduce Your Kids' EMF Exposure – Without Taking Away Their Apps & Games

Here's a way to dramatically reduce your kids' EMF exposure: replace the apps and games on their devices with offline alternatives.

old laptop ewaste

Don’t Throw Your Old Laptop in The Dumpster—Do This Instead

Did you know that, since 2010, we’ve seen three significant upgrades in computer processors? We went from dual-core to quad-core and now to even octa-core processors. The same goes for RAM. Ju...


Not Digging Meditation? Try These Tips to Embrace Mindfulness Anyway!

Let’s face it. Meditation isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Thankfully, there are ways to become more mindful without having to sit in a corner with just your thoughts.

time well spent

The "Time Well Spent" Movement: Reclaiming Digital Well-Being and Productivity

Have you ever paused to ponder that we may not actually be the ones calling the shots with our devices as we believe? That we could be simply taking a ride in the rear seat?

ethical concerns tech

Ethical Crises in The Tech Industry: The Top Ten of 2023

Today we have functioning artificial intelligence (AI), realistic virtual reality (VR), compact augmented reality (AR), biotechnology, and more. But even though these are some of the most remarkabl...

breathing right

The Importance of Breathing Right for Your Health and How Moonbird Helps

Breathing isn’t a skill we need to learn and master, like walking or using a fork. It happens naturally—from even before we are born to our last moment on earth. So, why are experts so curious abo...