Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul


Not Digging Meditation? Try These Tips to Embrace Mindfulness Anyway!

Let’s face it. Meditation isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Thankfully, there are ways to become more mindful without having to sit in a corner with just your thoughts.

breathing right

The Importance of Breathing Right for Your Health and How Moonbird Helps

Breathing isn’t a skill we need to learn and master, like walking or using a fork. It happens naturally—from even before we are born to our last moment on earth. So, why are experts so curious abo...

health for women

Prioritizing Health for Women: Starter Guide

I can’t tell you to simply stop being busy and take care of your health instead. It’s not that simple. But there are things you can do to take better care of your health while still being present t...

reduce blue light effects

5 Ways to Reduce Blue Light’s Effects on Your Sleep

Although our fast-paced lifestyle is to blame for this massive rise in sleep deprivation among the general population, scientists think that our modern electronic gadgets also have something to do ...

technology and sleep

Technology & Sleep: 5 Ways Technology is Affecting Your Sleep and What to Do About It

'Sleeping less is glorified in today’s economy. But when you ask some of the most successful people of our generation, the story takes a different turn. Why?'