Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

Can Reducing Screen Time Also Reduce Weight Gain?

Can Reducing Screen Time Also Reduce Weight Gain?

In this digital age, most of our activities — whether entertainment or work — take place on some form of screen. While using our digital devices may feel inevitable most of the time, increased scre...

Podcast: What is Digital Wellness With a Human Soul - Bagby - Bagby

Podcast: What is Digital Wellness With a Human Soul - Bagby

In today’s episode, we’re diving into a vibrant discussion about more than just cutting back on screen time – it’s about enriching our lives with genuine human connections. What is Digital Wellness...

The Surprising Link Between Screens, Dopamine, and Serotonin - Bagby

The Surprising Link Between Screens, Dopamine, and Serotonin

  Too much screen time is wrecking your brain. And we’re not the only ones saying this—experts like Dr. Andrew Huberman confirm that excessive screen use disrupts your brain’s dopamine and serotoni...

What is #TechSatire ? - Bagby

What is #TechSatire ?

Tech Satire ( #TechSatire) is a parody created by @Bagbybrand of the everyday use of technology in our modern society. To poke fun of people’s behaviors and technology in general, we’ve created a s...

Health benefits of unplugging from technology - Bagby

Health benefits of unplugging from technology

Unplugging from technology has become increasingly important in our fast-paced, digital world. With technology at our fingertips 24/7, it can be easy to get caught up in the constant stream of noti...

Digital Minimalism: How to Create Tips and Habits to Declutter Your Devices [Infographic] - Bagby

Digital Minimalism: How to Create Tips and Habits to Declutter Your Devices [Infographic]

Digital Minimalism is a specific application of the general minimalist philosophy to the role of technology in our lives. Cal Newport, author of the popular book: "Digital Minimalism" defines Digi...