Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) - Bagby

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas)

Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time to gather with family and friends and remember all the great things that happens during the year.  Remember what the holidays are really about- spending...

How to define the idea of Digital Wellness with a Human Soul - Bagby

How to define the idea of Digital Wellness with a Human Soul

Every day, we stare at screens and count. But we don't count what really counts: Our moments together. This is the idea behind Vrbo's new commercial. In fact, if we had to create a commercial for B...

A simple but key tip for your smartphone detox - Bagby

A simple but key tip for your smartphone detox

When makeup artist Mally Roncal's daughter said, "Give me your phone, because I'm looking at you," Mally got teary-eyed and knew it was time for a detox. Watch the video to see how her two-day tech...

2019 Digital Wellness Collaborative report - Bagby

2019 Digital Wellness Collaborative report

We are thrilled to bring you the first and most updated collaborative paper with a focus on Digital Wellness and the benefits of unplugging from our digital devices.  The title "Phones OFF, Conve...

Meet the photographer who is taking digital wellness to schools - Bagby

Meet the photographer who is taking digital wellness to schools

Ritzo created "Caught In The App", a photo series that started back in 2016 and has captured hundreds of faces since.Today, the artist has shifted from primarily photographing to inviting students...

Watch Wisdom 2.0 LIVE - FREE now - Bagby

Watch Wisdom 2.0 LIVE - FREE now

Watch Wisdom 2.0 LIVE - FREE now