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Is Fitbit Bad for You? Assessing the Psychological Impact of Fitness Tracking Devices
Ever since Fitbit went public in 2015, the popularity of fitness trackers has soared among the general population. Statistics say that today, one out of five Americans wears a fitness tracker dail...

Right to Disconnect: What is it, and how can it help enhance your productivity?
Governments around the world are introducing the “Right to Disconnect” in an effort to re-sharpen the blurred line between personal and professional life. Have a look. You Can’t Switch Off I...

Metaverse: The New Concept Changing Technology Forever. How Will It Impact Your Life?
With Facebook changing their name to Meta, and Microsoft launching Mesh, a mixed reality applications-based engine, the ‘metaverse’ is one of the hottest topics in the tech world right now. So,...

How To Have Mindful Screen Time During Christmas and New Year
With the holidays approaching, it is the perfect time to take some time away from your devices and limit your screen time this year. We know it can be daunting to practice digital wellness at times...

2021 has been a challenging year for everyone but YOU made it a great one.2022 is a year we look forward to so we wanted to share some of the key areas and brand goals we will be focusing on. Pleas...

Digital Detox: How & Why to Take a Break From Technology
Digital detox: just a new trend or something that can actually improve your wellbeing? With our gadgets becoming ever more powerful, portable, and pleasurable, the time we spend on them keeps incr...