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Digital Dementia

Digital Dementia: Consequences of Outsourcing Your Brain to Smartphones

'Experts are calling digital dementia a modern-day health epidemic. The symptoms of digital dementia are almost identical to dementia symptoms. The only difference is that dementia only affects p...

technology distraction

Technology & Distraction: Dealing with Digital Distraction in the Modern World

"Receiving a smartphone notification sends our brain into overdrive, triggering anxiety and stress, and at the very least, hyper-vigilance, which is meant to protect ourselves from predators, not t...

toxic content internet

You Versus the Ever-Growing Toxic Content on The Internet

'Indeed, there’s no shortage of toxic content on social media. But this doesn’t mean that social media in itself is bad. The kind of effect it has on your physical, mental, psychological, and emoti...

tech emotions

How Tech Companies Manipulate Your Emotions for Profit

'It’s not that we can’t control the decisions our gadgets make for us. It’s just that we give in so easily.'

tech dependent

Real-Life Effects of Being Too Tech-Dependent

'Technology affects almost every aspect of modern life. But because of this, most things in our lives depend on tech. And that’s causing some serious problems.'

Gaming Addiction: What Causes Your Child to Play Video Games for Hours?

Gaming Addiction: What Causes Your Child to Play Video Games for Hours?

'Today, a huge number of people suffer from gaming addiction. And the number keeps rising every single year. Why?'