Bagby Digital Wellbeing with a Human Soul

10 Digital Wellbeing / Detox Christmas Ideas - Gift Guide - Bagby

10 Digital Wellbeing / Detox Christmas Ideas - Gift Guide

The holiday season is upon us, which means most of us will be scrambling to find that perfect gift for our friends and family. While this process can be chaotic and stressful, we here at Bagby have...

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) - Bagby

10 Tips and Resources to Reduce Screen Time During Holiday Season (Thanksgiving and Christmas)

Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time to gather with family and friends and remember all the great things that happens during the year.  Remember what the holidays are really about- spending...

How to manage cell phones in class - Bagby

How to manage cell phones in class

Classrooms in today’s schools see on a daily basis, students with some type of smartphone in their hands walking into a classroom to not necessarily learn, but to pretend they’re listening to the ...

Arianna Huffington: Your phone doesn’t have to be your alarm - Bagby

Arianna Huffington: Your phone doesn’t have to be your alarm

It's amazing how the more and more we see celebrities, speakers and well-known people joining this Digital Wellness movement. One of the first people talking about the sleep deprivation problem wa...

I'm a Screen Time Coach - Bagby

I'm a Screen Time Coach

Very interesting article in The New York Times by @nelliebowles about how now some families are hiring coaches to help them raise phone-free children. We do believe we need more people with this ex...

How to define the idea of Digital Wellness with a Human Soul - Bagby

How to define the idea of Digital Wellness with a Human Soul

Every day, we stare at screens and count. But we don't count what really counts: Our moments together. This is the idea behind Vrbo's new commercial. In fact, if we had to create a commercial for B...