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Signs Your Health Apps Are Doing More Harm Than Good
There's no doubt that people everywhere are lapping this up, regardless of whether these apps work or not. In fact, a study by Healbe confirms that 40% of Americans have used a health app to track ...

Every now and then in life we are given a great gift – the gift of an experience that profoundly changes us. Cuba has had this effect on me and to say I am overwhelmed by my recent journey in the b...

A simple but key tip for your smartphone detox
When makeup artist Mally Roncal's daughter said, "Give me your phone, because I'm looking at you," Mally got teary-eyed and knew it was time for a detox. Watch the video to see how her two-day tech...

2019 Digital Wellness Collaborative report
We are thrilled to bring you the first and most updated collaborative paper with a focus on Digital Wellness and the benefits of unplugging from our digital devices. The title "Phones OFF, Conve...

Pre-Human 2.0 video - What we have become?
It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words...and a video is worth a million pictures. We are thrilled to share with you the most mind-blowing video about smartphone addiction and the need f...

5 mind-blowing images about phone addiction
A picture is worth a thousand words, specially in the current instagram driven society. Here below you can find 5 amazing and relevant images that will grab your attention about this issue and how ...